Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of orthodontics?
  • Improved smile
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Decreased risk of wounds to protrusive front teeth
  • Guided facial growth and development
  • Improved effectiveness of teeth brushing when teeth are aligned
  • Improved dental occlusion and comfort
  • Improved distribution of forces for mastication
  • Better outcome for restorative treatment to replace missing or broken teeth when teeth are aligned and dental occlusion is optimal
How long will my orthodontic treatment take?

The length of a treatment depends on the orthodontic problem of each patient and may be influenced by many factors, such as the severity of the problem, the growth rate of the jaws and the collaboration of the patient. In general, the length of a treatment varies between 12 and 36 months. On average, a person wears braces for about 24-30 months. Excellent oral hygiene and assiduous attendance to regular appointments will contribute to keeping the treatment on track.

How often will I need to visit the orthodontist?

Your appointment schedule will depend on your individual treatment plan. The first appointment to install braces generally takes 1 to 2 hours. Most patients come back for adjustments every 4 to 8 weeks. These appointments can take about 20 to 30 minutes each. Sometimes, there are specific situations that require a more frequent verification.

What will happen if I need to postpone an appointment?

If you must postpone an appointment, please call to inform us as soon as possible. Canceling an appointment may delay the progress of your treatment.

Please call us during business hours at 450 218-1892. We will require a 48hrs (2 business days) notification for any appointment modifications/cancellations. Fees may apply if delays are not respected.

Broken or lost retainer ?

If you break or lose your retainer, call us immediately so that we can schedule an appointment to repair or redo it as the teeth may move in the meantime.

Can an orthodontic correction be done while a child still has baby teeth?

Yes, certain orthodontic problems are important enough to require early intervention. However, if the patient is not ready for treatment, we will keep an eye on the situation during their growth and development until they are ready to begin.

What is the ideal age for an orthodontic evaluation?

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic exam as of age 7. At this age, some permanent teeth are already grown and jaw growth patterns can be analyzed and predictions made for future growth allowing us to properly identify potential orthodontic problems. But, if a developmental problem is suspected, it may be advantageous to consult with an orthodontist earlier in order to monitor your child’s oral development. Certain dental occlusion problems can be intercepted, reduced or even eliminated if they are discovered early.

I am an adult, is it too late for an orthodontic treatment?

Many of our patients are adults. 25% of all orthodontic patients are. Health, happiness, and self-esteem are also very important for adults. There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment; however, your teeth and gums must be in good health to begin and orthodontic treatment and be monitored throughout treatment by your general dentist. New techniques and materials, supervised by an orthodontist, such as Invisalign® transparent devices, have made treatment much less visible and much more comfortable.

Will you be able to identify the problem?

Yes. Dr. Archambault or Dr. Morton, and members of their team, will take an hour with you and/or your child, during the initial consultation, to evaluate your needs and fully explain the situation.

Will you offer a solution at the first consultation?

Yes. After the first evaluation of your situation, your orthodontist will take the time to answer your questions and explain the various options that are available to you.

Will I be able to afford orthodontic treatment?

We devote an hour or more to you or your child to examine and explain the orthodontic problems and possible treatment options. Please call us for more information on our consultation fees. If the orthodontist indicates that, for the time being, the situation only requires a periodic monitoring of your child’s dental development, it is good to know that these follow up appointments do not entail any extra fees.

If an orthodontic treatment is needed, the price will vary depending on the needs of the patient and the length of the treatment.

How long should I expect the first consultation to last?

The initial consultation will last about an hour. Your orthodontist will take the time to answer your questions and give you all of the information necessary to make an informed decision.

Do dental braces cause pain?

Normally, ‘’braces’’ do not cause pain. However, after certain adjustment visits, the teeth may be sensitive and cause some discomfort for a few days. In this case, following the recommendations of your orthodontist, medications such as Advil or Tylenol may provide relief Most patients experience only minor discomfort after adjustment visits for a few days.

Do I need to see my dentist while I am wearing braces?

Yes, dental examinations by your dentist are important while you are wearing braces. Your dentist will determine the interval of your exams, prevention and cleaning appointments. Usually, an appointment with your dentist is required every 6 months.

Are there any foods that I can’t eat while I am wearing braces?

Yes, as soon as the treatment begins, we will explain and provide a list of foods to avoid, for example, chewing on ice, hard candy, raw uncut vegetables and sweet sticky foods (such as caramel). You can avoid extra appointments to repair damaged or broken braces by following these recommendations.

Can I still practice sports or play wind instruments when I am wearing braces?

Yes, if you practice a sport that involves contact, we strongly recommend wearing a mouthguard. For musical wind instruments, there will be a period of adjustment. With practice, you will be able to play your instrument normally.


Chaque traitement orthodontique est différent et c’est pourquoi les prix varient d’un traitement à l’autre. Il faut prendre en compte la complexité de ce dernier et la durée envisagée pour le compléter.



Avant de déterminer quel traitement orthodontique correspond à vos besoins (Si un appareil est nécessaire), une première consultation s’impose.



L’hygiène dentaire de vos broches débute avec la mise en place de saines habitudes de vie. Le conseil le plus important que nous pouvons donner à nos patients orthodontiques est de garder leurs dents propres!