October at Archambault Morton
30 Septembre: Chaque enfant compte .
Today, we stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities. Recognition and awareness are essential steps toward reconciliation. At Archambault & Morton Clinic, we believe in the importance of every child and are committed to supporting this cause. Together, let’s build a more just and respectful future for all communities.
The Secret Filming…
We have many surprises in store for you this fall… The team is preparing a video to talk about a very special club at Archambault & Morton.
🎬 James “Gong” 007: Mission Accomplished 🛎️
Today, Special Agent James Gong successfully completed his orthodontic mission: he officially got his braces removed! 😎🎉
And to mark this epic moment, he hit the gong like a true hero! 💥 His new smile is as bright as his super-spy skills. Congratulations, James, on this transformation and for your patience throughout this mission! 🦸♂️😁
Ready for the smile mission: https://buff.ly/3U03B38
🍂 Joyeuse Action de grâce !
Toute l’équipe d’Archambault & Morton vous souhaite une merveilleuse fête de l’Action de grâce remplie de gratitude et de moments chaleureux en famille. Nous serons fermés ce lundi pour célébrer, mais de retour dès mardi à 8h. https://buff.ly/4dHSRgv
Profitez de ce week-end pour sourire et vous ressourcer ! 😁✨
Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁 The entire Archambault & Morton team wishes you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and warm family moments.
We will be closed this Monday to celebrate but will be back on Tuesday at 8 AM. https://buff.ly/4dHSRgv
Enjoy the long weekend and keep smiling! 😁✨
😊 Welcome Dr. Caroline Nammour! 
🎉 It is with great pride that we welcome Dr. Caroline Nammour to the Archambault & Morton team!
With her caring approach and expertise in orthodontics, she is ready to transform smiles and support our patients, young and old, throughout their orthodontic journey. ✨
We are delighted to have her with us, and we know you will love meeting Dr. Nammour on your next visit!
To learn more about her and make an appointment, click here: https://buff.ly/408L7Bh
🎉 Happy Birthday to Dr. Caroline, Agathe, Maxime, Émilie! & Goodbye Lindsay
Today, we not only celebrate the birthdays of Dr. Caroline, Agathe, Maxime and Émilie, but we also say goodbye to Lindsay, who is flying off to new horizons. 🌟
To our wonderful colleagues celebrating their birthday, we wish you a year filled with happiness, health and success! 🥳🎂 Thank you for everything you bring to the team every day!
And to Lindsay, a huge thank you for your commitment and your good humor! We will miss you, and we wish you all the best for the future.
Nos employés sont engagés !
Chez Archambault & Morton, nos employés vont au-delà pour offrir le meilleur à nos patients. 💪🫶 Caroline se prépare déjà pour son patient de la semaine prochaine qui parle uniquement espagnol, en s’assurant de pouvoir le recevoir dans sa langue maternelle ! 🌟🗣️
C’est cet engagement et cette attention aux détails qui rendent chaque visite chez nous spéciale. 😊 https://buff.ly/4hg9DGB
#EngagementPatients, #Orthodontie, #ArchambaultMorton, #OrthodontieVaudreuil, #DrPaulMorton, #OrthodontistNearMe
Our employees are dedicated! 🍁
At Archambault & Morton, our team goes above and beyond to provide the best care to our patients. 💪🫶 Caroline is already preparing for her patient next week, who only speaks Spanish, by making sure she can welcome him in his native language! 🌟
🗣️️ It’s this kind of dedication and attention to detail that makes every visit with us special. 😊 https://buff.ly/3NEP1KF
#PatientCare, #DrCarolineNamour, #Orthodontics, #ArchambaultMorton, #OrthodontistVaudreuil, #DrPaulMorton, #OrthodontistNearMe
🎃 Concours de Citrouilles ! 🎃
Chez Archambault & Morton, le concours de citrouilles bat son plein et notre équipe se surpasse en créativité ! 🎨🧡
Les résultats seront révélés ce jeudi, alors restez à l’affût pour découvrir les incroyables œuvres de nos talentueux participants !
Bon lundi à tous et préparez-vous à être émerveillés ! 🍂✨
At Archambault & Morton, our pumpkin carving contest is in full swing, and our team is bringing out their creative best! 🎨🧡
The results will be announced this Thursday, so stay tuned to see the amazing creations from our talented participants! Happy Monday, everyone, and get ready to be amazed! ✨ https://buff.ly/3YosDKr
#HappyMonday, #PumpkinContest, #ArchambaultMorton, #TeamSpirit, #DrPaulMorton, #Orthodontics, #OrthodontistNearMe
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